If you are going out, try taking only the exact cash, or set up a spending alert on your card. Use the Drink Free Days app to set yourself a weekly unit target and stick to it. But if one week you do go over your limit, don’t stop trying – next week is a fresh start.
Decreased Risk of Alcohol-Related Death
Within just a month of not drinking, your body can begin to reap the benefits. Your liver can start to heal, your risks of heart disease and cancer go down, and you may begin to sleep better. Family and friends can provide encouragement and support when you stop drinking.
Best Free: Alcoholics Anonymous
- If I couldn’t first accept this, then there was no chance I would ever fix it.
- Creating a plan is an essential part of knowing how to quit drinking.
- For example, keeping the home alcohol-free may prevent people from drinking.
- Professional programs offer recovery management strategies that have been shown to improve long-term sobriety rates (Psychology Today).
There are several ways to taper your alcohol consumption without therapy. Generally, light to moderate drinkers should plan to taper for a week or more. Noting down successes and patterns can help individuals reduce their drinking by using methods that help most and avoiding others that are not effective. However, deep reflection may help uncover where internal triggers arise. These triggers may come from a fleeting thought, an emotion, or a physical sensation, such as a headache or nervousness. Managing internal triggers may require keeping a journal or alcohol diary.
Develop and lean on a support system
- You learned something, made progress, and put yourself in a better position for success.
- Having a plan to quit and exploring resources that can help you give up alcohol successfully can improve your chances for success.
- Schedule a call with a team member today to get started, or learn more about how it works.
- Your heart rate slows, your muscles relax, and stress hormones decrease.
- From preparing your mind and environment for this significant change to finding the right support systems, we aim to equip you with the tools needed for successful and lasting sobriety.
- If you use more than that, cutting back or quitting may lower your blood pressure, levels of fat called triglycerides, and chances of heart failure.
Having a personalized plan can also increase the success rate of stopping drinking. Let your friends and family know how they can help, whether it’s by avoiding alcohol around you or checking in regularly on your progress. Building a supportive network isn’t just about seeking help; it’s about mutual growth and understanding. For more tips on navigating social situations while staying sober, check out this guide. If you’ve ever thought about cutting down on alcohol, you know it’s easier said than done.
One study found that attitude-related barriers were the most common obstacle that people face before entering treatment for an alcohol use disorder. Give yourself credit where credit is due as you start to hit how to stop drinking your alcohol-free milestones. Celebration helps keep you motivated, so make sure you’re rewarding yourself for goals achieved. Consider setting up a reward chart with things you really want – maybe it’s a dinner out at a new restaurant or a pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing. Set targets for each reward and enjoy them when you get there. You could even go all-out and reward yourself with something big with a major milestone like a year alcohol-free – a vacation sounds lovely, for example.