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As the round lasts, it keeps fly­ing, but at a ran­dom mo­ment, the pla­ne di­s­ap­pears from the screen. When the pla­ne lea­ves, all play­ers’ sta­kes po­si­tio­ned on this flight, but not wi­th­drawn with time, are lost. The lon­ger the flight lasts, the big­ger the bet mul­ti­pli­er ri­ses and the grea­ter the tempt­a­ti­on for the play­er to con­ti­nue play­ing. But the pur­po­se of the Avia­tor is to cash out the bets re­gu­lar­ly and fi­nish the over­all game ses­si­on from se­ve­ral rounds get­ting the pro­fit. The win­nings are for­med by mul­ti­ply­ing the amount of the bet by the mul­ti­pli­er of the plane’s flight at the time of wi­th­dra­wal. In the Most­bet Ca­si­no lob­by, play­ers can find many slots from lea­ding pro­vi­ders, and also Most­bet pro­gramm­ers’ own developments.

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