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In­si­de the An­ci­ent era, wo­men gathe­red go­vern­men­tal strength be­cau­se the go­vern­ment mo­ved on and you can tur­ned more dif­fi­cult. Four no­ble­wo­men du­ring this pe­ri­od be­ca­me the new go­ver­ning queens of its city-says. The­se fe­ma­les have been Mu­wa­an Mat and you may Girls Yohl Ik’nal away from Pa­len­que, Girls Evening­star from Yaz­chil­an, her out of Ti­kal, and you will Wo­men Six He­a­vens out of Naran­jo. The brand new Ma­yans came con­sum­ing the fresh Tol­tecs, a peo­p­le who mo­ved on the town out of Me­xi­co fol­lo­wing the slip away from Teo­ti­huacan. Sta­tu­es and you may struc­tu­ral build re­flect which in­fluence as the do the new Ma­yans lo­sing on the Tol­tec pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on je­sus, Tl­a­loc as well as Chac. Stu­dents have yet , to find the pre­cise go­vern­men­tal and you can pu­blic re­la­ti­onship of your own Ma­yans and you will Tol­tecs, but both cul­tures in­fluen­ced the other.

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