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Ku, Naru, and you will Gumo find whe­re Ori and you may Seir blen­ded, and dis­co­ver a he­art Tree start to de­ve­lop the­re. It help the fo­rest flou­rish and you can re­main their life­style while the a fa­mi­ly tog­e­ther with her, to the Spi­rit Tree dis­cus­sing it was Ori the coll­ec­tively, retel­ling the new si­tua­tions lea­ding up to whe­ther it com­bi­ned with Seir. At some point, the new tree com­ple­te­ly in­crea­ses and you may life starts anew as the an­o­ther soul pro­tec­tor falls of it. The sto­ry oc­curs af­ter the fresh si­tua­tions out of Ori and you may the fresh Blind Fo­rest which can be nar­ra­ted by Spi­rit Forest.

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