Fun Eu­ro­pean Wed­ding Convention

Over time, ce­rem­o­ny ri­tes have lar­ge­ly ma­na­ged to con­form to some struc­tu­re that is quite uni­ver­sal ge­ne­ral­ly in most places. Nevert­hel­ess, each tra­di­ti­ons has its own cul­tures that are spe­cial to them. Some of the­se en­joy­ment wes­tern wed­ding tra­di­ti­on does see­med a litt­le bit cra­zy to non- lo­cals, but they ba­si­cal­ly car­ry mea­ning for the cou­ple and their fa­mi­ly and friends.

The tra­di­ti­on of the wed­ding- sno­ring is a com­mon one around eas­tern Eu­ro­pe, it is fun­da­men­tal­ly whe­re clo­se fri­ends of the groom does„kidnap“ the bri­de du­ring the ce­le­bra­ti­on hun­ga­ri­an girls mar­ria­ge and take her so­me­whe­re dif­fe­rent( main­ly to a bar or club ). They will then call the man to de­si­re a ran­som which he will have to go from ta­vern to ta­vern to spend un­til they re­lease the wife. This is meant to teach the groom that his part­ner will not be a wal­ko­ver and that he should be strong en­ough to stand up for what he wants in his career.

In France, peo­p­le will ty­pi­cal­ly in­gest dark li­qu­or from the same tumb­ler du­ring their gree­ting. This is a sym­bol of sha­ring their li­ves tog­e­ther and avo­i­ding quarrels.

The Welsh also have a ado­rable mi­nor tra­di­ti­on of gi­ving their new­ly­weds car­ved uten­sils, cal­led love­s­poons, de­co­ra­ted with se­crets and pearls that re­pre­sent the key to their spi­rit. This is to en­su­re that the cou­ple are not just ro­man­tic but true to each other th­roug­hout their mar­ria­ge. In Greece, th­ree days be­fo­re a wed­ding, the cou­ple will have a kr­e­va­ti ce­rem­o­ny whe­re fri­ends and fa­mi­ly come over to their home and pin mo­ney on their mat­tress in a sign of good fortune.

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