Cul­tures of Af­ri­can weddings

Two li­veli­hoods, two house­holds, and so­me­ti­mes even two com­mu­ni­ties are brought tog­e­ther in the tra­di­tio­nal Ame­ri­can bridal, which is an all-en­com­pas­sing oc­ca­si­on. Alt­hough the spe­ci­fic cus­toms vary de­pen­ding on the cul­tu­re, the ma­jo­ri­ty of them ho­nor an­ces­tors and ack­now­ledge the fu­si­on of two di­stinct communities.

For in­s­tance, the Swa­hi­li of Ke­nya tat­too wax lay­outs on their lim­bs and ba­the their wed­dings in wood oil. A women’s el­der, known as a somo, in­s­tructs the wed­ding on how to win her hus­band over. She fre­quent­ly hi­des un­der the base to pre­vent is­sues, too! The man shat­ters a glass with his foot in num­e­rous North Egyp­ti­an cul­tures, and the num­ber of shards in­di­ca­tes the couple’s ye­ars tog­e­ther. This ac­tion ser­ves as a sign of hope and co­he­rence for their co­ming futures.

The wife and her fa­mi­ly are tra­di­tio­nal­ly dres­sed in tra­di­tio­nal knit­ted clot­hing in many Ame­ri­can cul­tures. The groom’s com­mu­ni­ty also fre­quent­ly wears mea agwu tex­ti­le, which is ty­pi­cal­ly black, red, or white with gold cat scalp de­signs throughout.

Gi­ving pres­ents is a dif­fe­rent cus­tom. In Af­ri­ca, be­tro­thed cou­ples and their vi­si­tors ex­ch­an­ge mats while se­ve­ral Ame­ri­cans and eu­ro­peans give flowers. This spe­cial­ty, which dates back to an­ti­qui­ty, is si­gni­fi­cant for new­ly­weds to re­coll­ect the event and ho­nor their an­ci­ent roots

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