Pros and cons for Ro­man­tic Dates

There’s no pro­blem that ro­mance times can be nice for a relationship—but they can also be cheap. Whe­ther you’­re plan­ning a light break­fast or a po­pu­lar tank time, the­re are some things to keep in mind be­fo­re ma­king the splurge.

Ad­van­ta­ges: Pas­sio­na­te dead­lines can be a gre­at way to show peo­p­le that you care, and they may aid two in­di­vi­du­als form an emo­tio­nal re­la­ti­onship that is dif­fi­cult to achie­ve on wel­co­ming times so­le­ly. In ad­di­ti­on, ro­man­tic dates of­ten in­vol­ve op­por­tu­ni­ties to touch one an­o­ther and kiss, which can make the mood more intimate.

Con: Du­ring a ro­man­tic date, it’s im­portant to pay at­ten­ti­on to body lan­guage and tone of voice. Crossing your arms, loo­king around the room, fi­d­ge­ting, or che­cking your pho­ne can all send a ne­ga­ti­ve mes­sa­ge and ruin the mood. It’s also im­portant to prepa­re your en­vi­ron­ment ahead of time by ha­ving the right mu­sic play­ing and clea­ning up your home so it’s re­a­dy for your guest.

While go­ing out to eat at a fan­cy re­stau­rant is a clas­sic da­ting idea, it can be hard to con­ver­se over food and drinks. If you want to add a litt­le more ro­mance, try a wine or des­sert tasting to al­low the op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk over sips of de­li­cious­ness. You could also add a litt­le sex­i­ness to the night by ta­king in a bur­les­que or drag per­for­mance, which can be a lot of fun and lead to con­ver­sa­ti­on af­ter­ward. Al­ter­na­tively, you can go on a hike or scenic dri­ve to get some fresh air and en­joy na­tu­re tog­e­ther wi­t­hout the pres­su­re of conversation.

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