Flir­ting Th­rough Con­fi­dent Body Language

Flir­ting th­rough con­fi­dent body lan­guage is a gre­at way to pre­sent that you are at ease and in­te­res­ted in the per­son with whom you are tal­king. This can in­clude is­sues like re­tai­ning eye cont­act, mir­ro­ring the other person’s pos­tu­re and mo­ti­ons and even ma­king ac­tu­al ges­tu­res such as brow wa­ving. The­se are all sin­gle bri­tish wo­men he­alt­hy fi­gu­re vo­ca­bu­la­ry flir­ting in­di­ca­tors that does in­crease a love­ly ro­mance touch to any discussion.

Eye cont­act is a huge ele­ment of flir­ting, both for men and wo­men. Main­tai­ning eye cont­act with a pos­si­ble en­thu­si­ast shows that you are in­te­res­ted in them and you in­crease the le­vel of ge­ni­tal stress in a dis­cus­sion. This is espe­ci­al­ly true when you blend at­ten­ti­on touch with a suns­hi­ne laugh or co­cked brain–NQTQ&hl=en and a li­vely touch of taunting.

Na­tu­ral cues, such as lea­ning in and ex­ten­ding your should­ers, are fur­ther­mo­re se­duc­ti­ve sys­tem dialect alerts. In fact, the­se are the same body lan­guage cues that a mo­ther uses to com­mu­ni­ca­te that she is com­for­ta­ble with her in­fant. The­se si­gnals are of­ten more ef­fec­ti­ve than simp­le ver­bal teasing.

In a stu­dy, men who ex­hi­bi­ted con­fi­dent body lan­guage and re­la­xed pos­tu­res were found to be more at­trac­ti­ve to wo­men than tho­se who did not. This is be­cau­se wo­men tend to be at­trac­ted to the self- con­fi­dence and as­ser­ti­ve vibe that the­se body lan­guage cues con­vey. In con­trast, wo­men can be tur­ned off by men who ap­pear over­ly con­fi­dent or ex­hi­bit de­fen­si­ve or anxious body language.

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