Sym­ptoms of a He­alt­hy Partnership

There’s a lot of Tv and strea­ming in­for­ma­ti­on out the­re right now about love, con­nec­tions and how to rea­li­ze if you’­re in a he­alt­hy re­la­ti­onship. What, ho­we­ver, tru­ly sets a good re­la­ti­onship apart from a bad one? Re­gis­tered psy­cho­the­ra­pist Nat­acha Duke says it co­mes down to a do­zen main ele­ments, in­clu­ding:

Joint ad­mi­ra­ti­on

A he­alt­hi­er con­nec­tion is ba­sed on mu­tu­al re­spect and con­side­ra­ti­on. “ Your part­ner va­lues your opi­ni­ons, thoughts and fee­lings and does n’t be­litt­le them or down­play your ac­com­plish­ments or goals“, she says. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, your com­pa­n­ion en­cou­ra­ges your li­ber­ty and in­de­pen­dence by gi­ving you time and space for your fri­ends‘, in­te­rests, and emo­ti­ons wi­t­hout ma­king you feel en­vious or th­rea­ten­ed. They also sup­port your care­er and per­so­nal en­dea­vors, even if they do n’t share the same interests.

Con­flict resolution

Good lo­vers is come to terms with dis­pu­tes, but they can talk about them open­ly and ho­nest­ly and come to a de­cis­i­on that works for both of them. They pro­per­ly dis­agree on spe­ci­fic is­sues, but they try to lis­ten and un­der­stand each other’s per­spec­ti­ve, in­s­tead than dis­miss­ing or deva­luing their wants.

If you’­re in a he­alt­hy re­la­ti­on, the two of you work tog­e­ther and speak about im­portant is­sues like in­co­me, re­la­ti­ves, care­ers, se­xu­al sa­tis­fac­tion and more. You’­re fur­ther­mo­re at ease tal­king about more se­rious to­pics, like do­me­stic as­sault or in­fi­de­li­ty. If you’­re ha­ving trou­ble com­mu­ni­ca­ting, it’s a mark that your con­nec­tion is un­he­alt­hy. This con­tent was ori­gi­nal­ly pu­blished on In­si­der, and it has sin­ce been re­pu­blished wi­t­hout consent.

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