Asi­an Re­la­ti­onships: Cul­tu­ral In­fluen­ces on Influences

his­to­ri­cal fac­tors that af­fect Eas­tern interactions

The ext­ent to which a relationship’s pas­si­on is ex­pres­sed is hea­vi­ly in­fluen­ced by so­cial norms and va­lues. Fin­ding in­ti­ma­cy with so­meone from an­o­ther life­style can been chal­len­ging. The­ra­py can aid in de­ve­lo­ping me­thods for ex­pres­sing fee­lings and like.

In Asi­an cul­tures, gi­ving gifts is a com­mon way to show af­fec­tion. Gi­ving pres­ents for fes­ti­vals and spe­cial events as well as show­ing aid for person’s fri­ends and fa­mi­ly mem­bers are fre­quent­ly usu­al. Gi­ving gifts can be very si­gni­fi­cant in a part­ner­ship be­cau­se it de­mons­tra­tes a sen­se of care and con­cern

The­re is a ro­bust fo­cus on home and ma­te­r­nal re­li­gio­si­ty in some Eas­tern are­as. This might in­vol­ve a em­pha­sis on fa­mi­ly harm­o­ny and clo­sen­ess, re­spect for el­ders, and the im­portance of ho­no­ring an­ces­tors by gi­ving mo­ney to churches or joss re­si­den­ces for an­ces­tor wor­ship. The­re is also a so­lid em­pha­sis on gi­ving some‘ re­qui­re­ments pre­ce­dence over one’s own. Be­cau­se folks may place their girlfriend’s needs and de­si­res be­fo­re their own, this can cau­se fee­lings of ob­li­ga­ti­on and com­mit­ment in a relationship.

In some ca­ses, Asi­an Ame­ri­cans chall­enge to strike a ba­lan­ce bet­ween their fa­mi­lies‘ and their own. This can cau­se con­flict or stress with a part­ner, espe­ci­al­ly if the par­ents do n’t sup­port their marital or ro­man­tic goals. This may be re­la­ted to in­doc­tri­na­ti­on and iden­ti­ty-re­la­ted dilemmas.

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