Slove­ni­an Bridal Customs

Many Slo­vak wed­ding cus­toms pro­per­ly sound for­eig­ners fa­mi­li­ar, but Slo­vaks tru­ly do ado­re them. The ce­rem­o­ny should look beau­tiful, and if so­me­thing does n’t look good on ca­me­ra, they are n’t afraid to ret­a­ke it. Eth­no­lo­gist Zuz­a­na Ja­ku­bi­ko­va told The Slo­vak Spec­ta­tor,“ It’s like film­ing a sce­ne: if it does n’t turn out well, you just film it again.“

In a past fes­ti­val known as py­t­a­cky, grooms used to go to the couple’s par­ents to ask for her hand in mar­ria­ge. Ho­we­ver, the bri­de­g­room would have to car­ry out a num­ber of tasks to de­mons­tra­te his worth to her if her fa­mi­lies ob­jec­ted. Run­ning a la­by­rinth, dancing with the en­ti­re town, and gi­ving pres­ents to her re­la­ti­ves were some ex­amp­les of this.

The“ sa­vo­j­ka“ ser­vice, whe­re the couple’s re­la­ti­ves gather to braid her hair, is an­o­ther cus­tom. It is a very he­art­felt se­cond as she pre­pa­res for her new exis­tence. The cou­ple slo­vak da­ting site will then eat the same pla­te and spoon of dish, in­di­ca­ting that they will be com­bi­ning any­thing from now un­til the end.

Slo­vak ho­ney­moo­ners were form­er­ly re­qui­red to see a logs as well. Peo­p­le who nee­ded wood for coo­king and hea­ting knew how to use a see, so they lear­ned about it. This tra­di­ti­on had useful foun­da­ti­ons. It’s a much more me­ta­pho­ri­cal work now, but it still helps them job tog­e­ther and grow in faith with one another.

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