Free­hold apart­ments in the for­mer Kaiser­platz quarter

Mainz­er Straße 16, 10715 Berlin



Mainz­er Straße 16, 10715 Berlin


pe­ri­od building

Pur­chase price

from 4,367 €* / m²

*plus a com­mis­sion of 3.57 % of the ask­ing price in­clud­ing VAT 


Units 33 res­i­den­tial units, 1 com­mer­cial unit

Liv­ing area

23 m² – 149 m²

Mainz­er Straße 16, 10715 Berlin
pe­ri­od building
Pur­chase price
from 4,367 €* / m²

*plus a com­mis­sion of 3.57 % of the ask­ing price in­clud­ing VAT 

Units 33 res­i­den­tial units, 1 com­mer­cial unit
Liv­ing area
23 m² – 149 m²
More in­for­ma­tion and an overview of the units can be found in the synopsis.

Down­load synopsis

Free­hold apart­ments with Gründerzeit charm

Prop­er­ties such as the “Sechzehn” are en­joy­ing sus­tained pop­u­lar­i­ty in Berlin. They em­body the el­e­gance and at­mos­phere of an ear­li­er epoch and catch eyes all round with their in­tri­cate ar­chi­tec­ture, his­toric fi­nesse and unique flair. There is con­tin­u­ing de­mand – whether as an at­trac­tive in­vest­ment prop­er­ty or as your own Berlin home.

The “Sechzehn” also of­fers all the com­forts of a clas­sic Berlin pe­ri­od build­ing. A vast num­ber of dif­fer­ent res­i­dence and lay­out types, glo­ri­ous high ceil­ings and warm floor­boards will make your heart skip a beat.



The 33 res­i­den­tial units with ar­eas of be­tween 23 m²- 149 m² are spread over four storeys and the ful­ly de­vel­oped at­tic floor. All apart­ments are in a very well-kept con­di­tion. They have a cel­lar, many have a bal­cony. The fa­cade fac­ing the street and one part of the apart­ments were ren­o­vat­ed only re­cent­ly. The mod­erni­sa­tion work in­clud­ed the ren­o­va­tion of bath­rooms, the re­con­di­tion­ing of the pe­ri­od floor­ing and – where nec­es­sary – the elec­tri­cal fa­cil­i­ties were also re­placed. Some of the walls have been smoothed over and sand­ed. In the ren­o­vat­ed units dou­ble case­ment win­dows were used for the win­dows fac­ing the street, while plas­tic in­su­la­tion and dou­ble case­ment win­dows were used where fac­ing the court­yard. The bal­conies in the 1st and 2nd court­yard are cur­rent­ly be­ing ren­o­vat­ed and there is on­go­ing main­te­nance work to plas­ter and paint parts of the fa­cade. The build­ing is sup­plied with heat­ing and warm wa­ter via en­vi­ron­men­tal­lyfriend­ly dis­trict heating.

Free­hold apart­ments in a high­ly de­sir­able area

The “SECHZEHN” was first built in 1911 and to­day looks more mag­nif­i­cent than ever


Free­hold apart­ments in the for­mer Kaiser­platz quarter


Mainz­er Straße 16 

10715 Berlin 

If you had to choose the dis­trict of Berlin with the great­est leisure val­ue, Wilmers­dorf would have a good chance of win­ning a podi­um position.

Whether you‘re look­ing for cul­ture, culi­nary de­lights, leisure ac­tiv­i­ties or re­lax­ation in na­ture … every­thing is prac­ti­cal­ly “just around the cor­ner”: In the Cosi­ma cin­e­ma and the Bun­de­splatz stu­dio, cin­e­ma lovers can re­al­ly come into their own. The neigh­bour­hood has even made a ca­reer for it­self on the big screen with a cin­e­mat­ic long-term doc­u­men­tary (“Berlin – Ecke Bun­de­splatz”, 1986–2012). If you‘re in­ter­est­ed in the the­atre, you can reach the Schaubühne, the Deutsche Oper and the The­ater des West­ens in just a few minutes.



A large se­lec­tion of award-win­ning restau­rants are just waiting
to daz­zle gourmets. You can start your culi­nary jour­ney right
next to the “Sechzehn”, where in the warm sea­son, you can sit in
the sun un­til the late evening at “Patrice”.

»For a short time-out, or even a longer time-out, in na­ture, the near­by Volkspark has to be your first choice. «

Over two kilo­me­tres of green stretch­es from Mar­tin-Luther-Straße to the Fennsee. The shad­ed paths are a de­light­ful place to jog or stroll. If you like, you can play bas­ket­ball, ta­ble ten­nis, boc­cia or mini-golf here, or sim­ply sit in the café and let your thoughts run free un­der the old trees. There’s al­most no need to men­tion that the neigh­bour­hood has fan­tas­tic in­fra­struc­ture and is per­fect­ly con­nect­ed to both the lo­cal and long-dis­tance trans­port networks.

»For a short time-out, or even a longer time-out, in na­ture, the near­by Volkspark has to be your first choice. «

Over two kilo­me­tres of green stretch­es from Mar­tin-Luther-Straße to the Fennsee. The shad­ed paths are a de­light­ful place to jog or stroll. If you like, you can play bas­ket­ball, ta­ble ten­nis, boc­cia or mini-golf here, or sim­ply sit in the café and let your thoughts run free un­der the old trees. There’s al­most no need to men­tion that the neigh­bour­hood has fan­tas­tic in­fra­struc­ture and is per­fect­ly con­nect­ed to both the lo­cal and long-dis­tance trans­port networks.

Con­tact form